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Noticias e Exposições

CLUSTER COMET intervista MEP Business School

CLUSTER COMET intervista MEP Business School

COMET, il Cluster della Metalmeccanica in Friuli Venezia Giulia, nato con l'obiettivo di potenziare il comparto della Metalmeccanica del Friuli Venezia Giulia affinché diventi un modello di riferimento internazionale, ha intervistato il Rettore delle MEP Business School, Andrea Marino... outro

MEP Group: Labour as Masterpiece of the Human Life

MEP Group: Labour as Masterpiece of the Human Life

 We are proud to share the recent article appeared on "Industrial Technology USA" magazine, dedicated to the very values of MEP's Excellence strongly reaffirmed by the clear vision of Vito Rotondi, our CEO and Managing Director.

Here the link to download full... outro

MEP Business School - Celebrating 5 Years Anniversary

MEP Business School - Celebrating 5 Years Anniversary

Founded on April the 6th, 2016, MEP Business School celebrates today its first five years of activity.

Over 120 courses with more than 550 participants represent a good goal from which the School is proud to start in order to continue to offer targeted training courses dedicated to... outro