category : MEP Business School

The MEP Business School develops every technology for educational purposes, even at distance, but continues to believe that it is the people who are transforming the present.
Is possible for a company to increase people’s creative capability through knowledge? Is it reasonable in a hyper-technological era? At the MEP Business School, which was created by MEP four years ago right in the heart of Friuli to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, the answer is absolutely yes. Not only does it make sense, but it can be a powerful driver for development. "We live in an era in which increasingly complex scenarios are generated, from an organizational point of view as well. – according to the MEP Business School’s rector Andrea Marino Cerrato, whose inspired mind captures the sense of the future and who believes in a scientific approach to the systems as a means of managing it – These scenarios, however, simply cannot be faced by injecting mere instrumental skills into the system. Complexity is solved by the creativity of individuals who are able to imagine new perspectives, thereby generating innovation and development ".
The MEP Business School was born on February 8th, 2016, when the company had just left the epochal crisis of 2008 behind and was planning its future starting from a history and an identity of excellence. "It was both the President and the CEO who collected and relaunched this great heritage - underlines the rector -. They sensed that MEP's excellence could only increase in a context of knowledge assessment ". At the end of 2019 the School celebrated the 100 courses milestone within three and a half years, with the involvement of over 500 people and many more in events and initiatives inside and outside the School itself. «We have developed a remote education system in the last few weeks, also thanks to our dedicated platform. However - continues the rector Marino Cerrato - our belief that the protagonists of the future will not be technologies but people remains as strong as ever. It is therefore essential to continue to increase their intangible assets, represented by their professional knowledge and awareness. They instill the capability of power into individuals, making them feel involved in the present and able to transform it into the future».
Here is the link to the complete video interview
The next appointment will involve the Group's HSE Manager Claudio Miconi, who will explain how it has been possible to respond to the Covid-19 emergency quickly and efficiently....