FOCUS 14 와 FOCUS 16 은 사용의 용이함과 효율면에서 코일철근 가공기의 이상적인 해법이다.
기기의 유연성 생산성을 바탕으로 항상 고품질의 제품을 보장해 준다.
다양한 FOCUS 모델은 코일철근 4 mm ~ 16 mm 까지 작업이 가능하며, 한변 최대
12 M 길이 내에서 형상,스터럽, 한번 이상의 절곡이 가능하다.
동일직경 (최대 13 mm) 두가닥이 가능하고, 16 mm 는 한가닥 작업이 가능하다.
COIL ∅6 - ∅16 mm (#3-#5)
• Double wire
• AFS 3 (Advanced Feeding System) Generation III
• Automatic straightening roller control
• Bending pins accordingly to national rules
• 3D press unit (optional)

Focus 14
COIL ∅6 - ∅14 mm (#3-#4)
• Double wire up to ∅13 mm (#4)
• AFS 3 (Advanced Feeding System) Generation III
• Automatic straightening roller control
• Bending pins accordingly to national rules
• 3D press unit (optional)
Request information
Focus 16
COIL ∅8 - ∅16 mm (#3-#5)
• Double wire up to ∅13 mm (#4)
• AFS 3 (Advanced Feeding System) Generation III
• Automatic straightening roller control
• Bending pins accordingly to national rules
• 3D press unit (optional)
Request information
Focus 12
The FOCUS 12 is the ideal solution in the field of automatic coil stirrup benders for its ease of use and high performance. Flexibility, productivity and product quality is always guaranteed.
Small or large stirrups, straightened or bent bars, as well as circles and spirals are fabricated thanks to a complete array of accessories, able to satisfy the widest range of productive requirements.
The FOCUS 12 is a user friendly automatic stirrup bender that provides superior quality of finished products. The combined action of an exclusive series of patented devices minimizes the time for setup adjustments and reduces drastically the amount of discarded products. A drive and control system, based on the latest generation technology, grants to reach unparalleled levels of productivity per hour.
The Advanced Feeding System is a straightening system that eliminates the effect of the wire rotation on its own axis. Therefore, closed stirrups and straight bars can always be produced. The independent control of the traction on two wires, as well as the increased surface of contact with the large infeed wheel, eliminates any difference in length between the two wires. Thanks to this design and to the consequent lower pressure applied on the steel material, the coil ribs are far less deformed by the straightening process. The lifetime of the infeed roller themselves is about 8 times longer than in case of traditional straightening methods.