원통형, 다각형 케이지 제조장비

케이지 제조 장비는 GAM HS 시리즈 중 하나로, 다양한 모양이나 크기의 파일과 사각 케이지를 생산하기 위해 제작 되었다.

GAM HS의 기술은 용접 로봇 스테이션의 이동을 이용해 길이 bar 둘레를 연속적인 오프 코일 스파이럴로 감는 것을 기본으로 한다. 이 설비는 생산성과 매우 컴팩트한 레이아웃을 가지는 완제품의 품질을 가지게 하므로 제한된 공간에서의 설치가 용이하다.

Gam 1500 HS


  • Cages of various forms and sizes

  • Fast and easy configuration

  • Automatic bushes positioning

  • The latest generation welding robot

  • Manual adjustment of welding parameters

  • Flexible spiral (fixed/variable pitch, adjustable minimum distance)

  • Electronic control of all machine parameters

  • Automatic bar counting

  • Side loading of bars

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Gam 1500 HS PLUS

  • 이중 용접 장치

  • 두 개의 와이어가 있는 나선형

  • 같은 와이어에 이중 용접 조인트

  • 최대 24m 길이

Request information

Gam 2000 HS

원통형, 다각형 케이지 제조장비

케이지 제조 장비는 GAM HS 시리즈 중 하나로, 다양한 모양이나 크기의 파일과 사각 케이지를 생산하기 위해 제작 되었다.

GAM HS의 기술은 용접 로봇 스테이션의 이동을 이용해 길이 bar 둘레를 연속적인 오프 코일 스파이럴로 감는 것을 기본으로 한다. 이 설비는 생산성과 매우 컴팩트한 레이아웃을 가지는 완제품의 품질을 가지게 하므로 제한된 공간에서의 설치가 용이하다.

Request information

Gam 1500 HS CONIC

The universal cages of the GAM HS Conic series are particularly suitable for the production of conical, cylindrical and polygonal cages of various shapes and sizes. It is possible to produce tapered cages with variable circumferences, fully automated. Compactness, productivity and high quality of the fi nished product, are some of the main characteristics of this plants.

Automated circumference setting

The “Master head” is cleverly designed with a device capable of moving the guide bushes radially, based on the cage to be produced. During the translation cycle of the “Master head” and the relative formation of the cage, the guide bushes are automatically positioned so as to be able to create cage sections with different circumferences depending on the pitch and rate of tapering required.

Welding innovation

The welding robot, that bonds the spiral wrap to the longitudinal bars, is able to automatically follow the variations in circumference of the cage to be formed according to the programmed data. In this way it is possible to create cages characterized by different taper angles and diameters in a completely fully automatic mode.

Automatic clamping

An assembly of automatic clamps, positioned on the “fi xed head” dedicated to the fi xing of the longitudinal bars, may be customised in number and size (min/max diameter of the bars to be used).

Automated synchronisation delivers reliable quality

The high quality of the product archiveable is the result of an accurate system of automation that manages the whole production cycle. The robotic welding process and the type of cage to be manufactured, help determine the synchronised rotation speed of all the heads (Fixed, Master and Slave/idle), guaranteeing accurate symmetry of the cages and repeatability, as is required in mass production. The exclusive design of the GAM HS and GAM HS Conic allows the insertion and manual welding of the internal reinforcement/lifting rings, if required, at the programmed distance predetermined in the data entry phase. The process of forming the cage is automatically interrupted at the exact point where it is to be inserted, allowing for quick and easy manual welding, then effortless resumption, back into automatic mode.

Cage support arms

It consists of several devices whose synchronized movement allows the cage to be supported during the cage formation phase. When forming square, rectangular or polygonal shaped cages, they should be equipped by special cup-like attachments (optional) fi tted to these support arms, ensuring constant positive contact with the cage, during rotation. As soon as the cage is completed, the operator gives his consent for the support arms to lower and clear simultaneously, as part of the unloading operation.

MEP World System: total control

The World System, through a “user friendly” interface, allows total control of all the devices of the system, enhancing its performance. Operator panel P.L.C. Industrial MEP composed of:

- LCD screen for displaying all information in a user-friendly graphic form.

- Compact micro controller (“embedded”) with low absorption.

- Input/Output and motion control electronic boards with short circuit prevention system.

World System software

The software specially developed by MEP allows to:

- Program cage production data.

- Templates settings. By entering the dimensional data of the cage (pole diameter, longitudinal diameter, spiral diameter, number of longitudinal bars) the software indicates to the operator which template to use and prepares the machine in the correct mounting position of the longitudinal support bushings.

- Control of all machine parameters.

- Active “diagnostics” system for a constant check of the efficiency of all the devices of the plant.

- Programming of cages with double bar (coupled GAM HS).

- Programming of welding type. For each section it is possible to indicate whether the welding should be continuous (each intersection between longitudinal and spiral) or alternating (each two intersections, each three, ...).

- Programming of the welding time.

- Spiral pitch programming, with the possibility of varying it continuously along the entire length of the cage.

- Intermediate stops programmed (e.g. reinforcing/lifting rings).

- Possibility of loading the cages production data remotely (e.g. offi ce) via RS232 serial port.

- Storage and archiving of data related to work cycles (and generation of daily production statistics (Start, Stop, Alarms, etc.) with the possibility to download data via RS232 serial port.

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