

A company can become an important health, safety and well-being centre for all workers, for their families and for part of the community.

According to MEP, Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici, located in Reana del Rojale, Udine, who placed education as an ethical commitment far beyond the legal requirements through the MEP Business School and who represents a perfect example, "every worker is a citizen and her/his awareness and responsibilities are crucial for Society and for the Company itself ".

There are two examples of the company's commitment towards prevention and health protection. The first one is about blocking the spread of Covid-19 within the general population. "The increase in the number of infected people these days does not surprise me, since during the past few weeks, due to the loosening of the safety measures, we have lowered our guard.” - says MEP’s appointed physician, Dr. Vincenzo Allegra – “At the same time, however, that same increase does not scare me if we maintain a high level of attention and if we scrupulously respect all protocols and rules. We cannot keep living with the fear of getting infected, we must adopt all the appropriate behaviours to keep its diffusion on a very low level instead, until we beat the emergency ". For this reason, explains the HSE Manager Claudio Miconi, MEP has planned a constant action to raise awareness for the continuation of the activities both in autumn and in the past summer, so that attention and a sense of responsibility are kept high, in compliance with all behaviors and procedures implemented during the previous months. An operation that MEP conducted with the belief that "the rules of prevention and self-care learned in the Company become part of the Workers’ lives who, as citizens, will continue to behave correctly even outside the Company".

Another factor in MEP’s cultural satisfaction was the "Hippocrates Project", created by following the legal clause that requires the assessment of workers' health when performing dangerous tasks. "We have not limited ourselves to applying the standard but, after some verification exams, we have started training courses - in agreement with the HSE Sustainability Manager and the Workers' Representatives – about the fundamentals and about how this state of well-being can be anticipated - explains Dr. Allegra -. The results of the last three years have been very positive, because we have managed to obtain a clear improvement in all the surveyed subjects». With its paths and the availability shown by the experts involved, MEP has therefore managed to «affect a cultural dimension, making people aware of their well-being».

Here is the link to the complete video interview: