category : MEP Business School

"A glocal (Global-Local) company, that believes in young people to build their future, placing them into a pleasant context, a precondition to grow and work well, getting along with the colleagues". Lorenzo Tam, who graduated in International Management in March 2020, during the Covid-19 emergency, with a thesis on Governance whose title represents a program for both the present and the future: Change management as thriving force in the creation of Sustainable Value in the Italian SMEs: the case of M.E.P. S.p.A.
Dr. Tam, who got to know the company in which he is already employed full time, thus describes the profile of MEP, Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici S.p.A. in Reana del Rojale - Udine: a company strongly rooted in its "local" territory and at the same time open to the world, “global”, sustainable in 128 countries. «Here - underlines the young Governance Specialist Tam - I found a stimulating environment, in which I have been working for a year now. The company welcomed me in the best possible way, within the Group's Business School at first and into my current position later on, in which I can put all the knowledge acquired during my years of studying into practice, thus fully embracing the pragmatism of the firm".
He considers himself to be lucky to have found, from the beginning of his professional career, a firm that invests in young people, by providing both a positive working environment and opportunities for continuous education and training through the MEP Business School. Dr. Tam analyzes the phenomenon of the "brain drain" and surprisingly urges his peers to enhance their own sense of responsibility. «It is a phenomenon partially dictated by unfavorable contingencies, but it can be strongly influenced by the young people’s choices, including myself; we have to work to develop some very important soft skills, like dedication, commitment and a self-sacrificing attitude, in order to improve the current situation rather than run away from it». This does not necessarily mean staying within your own borders without looking at the world. "I myself have been abroad for some time during my studies and I have learned as much as possible, but with the intention of bringing it all to my own country - adds Dr. Tam -. My studies have projected me into a global context and this is exactly what I found in MEP: a dynamic company that gives young people the opportunity to grow".
Although the Covid-19 made him discuss his master’s thesis in front of a computer’s screen, affecting the pathos that characterizes the event, Tam highlights the positive side of the experience: "That period brought out a healthy spirit of resilience».
Reana del Rojale, 07 August 2020
Here is the link to the complete video interview: