MBS interviews #4 - The Integrated Management System: a constant challenge that creates Added Value for the Company


category: MEP Business School

Anna Pizzale, Quality Manager at MEP in Reana del Rojale, talks about an experience that started in 2016 and has created ever since a mentality and a method within the Company capable of dealing with the unprecedented situation created by Covid-19 and the "new" normality that was left.

 «It is an important advantage for the whole organisation and for each department, because it has allowed not only to focus our attention on product compliance, which is the main focus of an Integrated Quality-Environment Management System, but on the company’s compliance at large, with reference to the Environment, Safety, the general well-being of the company and of those who work in it". That is how Anna Pizzale summarizes the added value created by the Integrated Management System she is responsible for within MEP since 2016. That was the year that marked the adoption on behalf of the company of the Quality System, together with the acquisition of the ISO 9001: 2015 and the ISO 3834-6: 2006 certifications, regarding welding processes. In February 2019, the ISO 14001: 2018 Safety and Environment certification was added to the System; furthermore, MEP is currently working to obtain the 45001: 2015 certification focusing on the compliance with Health and Safety standards in the workplace. "It has been - and still is - a challenging path, that also produced frustration at times, but has brought to the company the added value it was looking for" explains Pizzale, who has been working in MEP since 2007. Having adopted an Integrated Management System helped us build a mentality and a way of operating within the Company that proved to be essential in the Covid era. "We are trained to strictly comply with the procedures through discipline and the verification of their effectiveness.” - underlines the Quality Manager – “In addition, we are constantly striving to find solutions to the problems that may arise daily with regards to the Product, the Environment and Safety". All these aspects, in response to the spread of the pandemic and the need to implement preventive and precautionary procedures, "have helped the organisation. We rolled up our sleeves, we looked for the creativity and competence that are to be found in MEP, and we all collaborated for a common goal", continues the manager, who sees her specifically female contribution fully recognized. Now is the time for the "new normal", marked by several factors of uncertainty. "It does not scare us" says Pizzale, because in this case as well, education supports "the management of processes, training and the cooperation that takes place between the different parts of the company for a risk and opportunity analysis" she concludes. Here is the link to the complete video interview: