M.E.P. GROUP is proud to be part of the ELITE Day | Linking Excellence event in London on 28 October 2019


category: MEP Business School

* M.E.P. GROUP joins ELITE Day, a world-class conference discussing the necessity and impact of innovation and the daily challenges of growth.

* Over 500 international ELITE companies and partners will come together to share their vision and challenges as well as their tools for both short term and long-term development.

* M.E.P. GROUP was certified Borsa Italiana Elite Company on April 27th, 2015 and in 2017 participated to Elite Basket Bond with EIB-European Investment Bank, CDP-Cassa Depositi & Prestiti, Finint Bank, Elite Borsa Italiana.MEP scored A+ Financial Rating by Moody’s. MEP Group is a leading worldwide company in the rebar equipment engineering, manufacturing, in resistance welding technology in the Cut & Bend industry, in downstream plants by Mesh Welding machineries.

* MEP is honoured by 3rd Star Legal Certificate Award by Competition Market Authority (AGCM/Antitrust). MEP is the Winner of: the Prize «Le Fonti Award» 2016 CEO for Innovation Management; the Prize <<Ambrogio Lorenzetti>> 2017 for Corporate Governance; the Prize «Le Fonti Award» 2018 CEO for Financial Communication.

ELITE, part of London Stock Exchange Group, is a platform and ecosystem that acknowledges the necessity of private, ambitious companies to  create innovation and provides them with a variety of opportunities in order for them to each achieve this and much more. This is done by offering them a sustainable access to education, business support and direct contact with the international financial and advisory community. 
Following the success of the inaugural ELITE Day in Milan in 2018, the second edition will be held in London, the home of London Stock Exchange Group, sitting both at the heart of the City and of global finance.

Vito Rotondi, CEO, MEP GROUP:
<...“I had been just Elite pioneer at the beginning of the Elite story with pride and enthusiasm. MEP was honoured to be present at the STAR Conference 2016 in Borsa Italiana. Again, in Milan last year at the Elite Day. Today in London! We do definitely believe and witness the excellence of companies meeting global investment standards: transparency, liquidity and governance. The Elite group has almost developed for me, as well as for all of us, an addiction to success and constant surpassing of corporate milestones.” ...>

Luca Peyrano, CEO, ELITE:
<...“We are delighted to bring ELITE Day to London, a global city thriving with innovative and fast-growing companies. Nearly 200 UK companies make up the 1,300+ ELITE global community, spanning 43 countries and 36 sectors. Supporting these dynamic businesses to reach their growth potential is vital to economic growth, with ELITE companies already recording aggregate revenues of over €90 billion and employing half a million people.” ...>

The second edition of ELITE Day brings together over 500 advisers and companies and highlights the need and benefit for ambitious private companies to have access to the know-how, network, and capital requirements they need to support their growth journeys. We will continue to be inspired by their stories and explore how to best address their challenges in building resilient businesses for the long term.