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F13 Automatic Off-Coil Stirrup Bender

Ideal Solution for Stirrups, Bars, and 3D Shapes

  • Ease of Use and High Performance

  • The F13 distinguishes itself as the ideal coil rod stirrup bender due to its user-friendliness and ability to produce a wide range of products. It allows for the fully automated production of stirrups, straight or shaped bars with one or more bends on one side.

  • Flexibility for Diverse Needs

  • From small and medium-sized stirrups to straightened bars, shaped bars with multiple bends, circles, and spirals, the F13 tackles every production challenge with extreme versatility. Additionally, upon request, it can be equipped with a special device for creating various 3D shapes.

  • 3D Press for Complex Shapes

  • The optional 3D Press expands the capabilities of the F13, enabling the creation of traditional 3D shapes using a single bar up to 13 mm in diameter.

  • AFS 2 System for a Safe and Efficient Process

  • The innovative Anti-Rotation and Straightening System AFS 2 (Advance Feeding System 2) eliminates the need for dangerous manual intervention during the bending phase, ensuring the production of closed stirrups without the bar rotating on its axis.

  • Universal Bending Pins for Quick Production Changeovers

  • The F13 is equipped with universal one-piece bending pins that allow for the production of stirrups and circles with a quick fastening system. This system allows for a rapid resumption of production after each diameter change.

  • Superior Quality and Unmatched Productivity

  • The F13 guarantees superior quality products in a simple and intuitive way. A state-of-the-art drive and control system ensures unmatched hourly productivity levels.

With its ease of use, flexibility, safety, and high productivity, the F13 is the ideal choice for companies seeking a high-performance and reliable off-coil stirrup bender.