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Syntax HS

SYNTAX HS is the highest technological development in the field of multifunctional off-coil machinery (shape forming, stirrup bending and wire straightening) for flexibility, productivity and unparalleled obtainable product quality.

Processing capabilities

  • Suitable for wire in coils with diameters from 8 to 16 mm

  • Produces shapes and stirrups, straight or shaped bars with one or more bends on both sides up to 18 m long

  • Handles both mass production (two wires up to Ø13 mm, optional 14 mm*) and single-elements processing (single strand up to 16 mm)

Flexible configurations

  • Available in standard version with material flow from left to right and "R" REVERSE version with inverted flow, for optimal positioning in any production environment

High productivity

  • A state-of-the-art drives and control system allow for unrivalled hourly productivity levels

  • Reduces cycle times and maximizes production efficiency

Superior product quality

  • AFS 4 (Advance Feeding System 4) anti-rotation and straightening system for obtaining closed stirrups and perfectly straight bars

  • Single bending unit for greater precision and flawless products

  • Unique pins and devices expand the range of possible machining, reducing dimensional and shape limitations

  • Obtains closed stirrups and coplanar shapes, eliminating any dangerous manual intervention of the operator during normal bending process

Automated collection

  • Programmable 1- or 2-level device for selective collection of straightened bars or certain types of shapes

  • Optional conveyor belt for safe and efficient collection and transfer of stirrups

  • Increased productivity and reduced downtime usually required for evacuation of finished products

SYNTAX HS: the ideal choice for those seeking the best in terms of performance, versatility, and quality.

Syntax HS


COIL ∅8 - ∅16 mm

  • Two configurations: the standard (flow of material coil – finished product, from left to right) and the “R” REVERSE version (operate in opposite direction – payoffs stations to the right and machine to the left)

  • AFS 4 (Advanced Feeding System) Generation IV

  • Independent pressure control for each wire

  • The "Secondary Feeding Unit” (a system patented) for each shape

  • Portable straightening device

  • Winch

  • Multi-wire pre-feeder (single wire/double wire version)

  • Pins for shapes, stirrups, circles

  • De-coiler automation

  • Elevation spacer for compact coils “spooled”

  • Centralised greasing system

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